“Clare gives safe passage on life’s journey …that can be exciting, scary, full of joy, tears and raucous humour. Her belly laughter carries the lost dreams of all of us within it. Magic”

Janet Wilkinson Artist

Clares new book will be released in 2025 …

We have 3 remaining Pre Sale Books which are Limited Edition and included a dedication and bundle of exclusive gorgeousness…

Clares New Book

Exclusive Pre Release Magical Bundle of book -

original art print and goodies available very soon

Magic Greek Island Retreat :

Sea Salt, Sensuality and Belly Love

23rd-28th April 2025 - Book your place now

I am a queer artist and facilitator and our spaces are welcoming to trans and non binary people… it’s a privilege to be in community with you

artist writer creative juicy mama poet lesbian say it like it is Sista therapist teacher lover of life big mango heart

artist writer creative juicy mama poet lesbian say it like it is Sista therapist teacher lover of life big mango heart

Current Exhibitions in Progress…

  • Bad Lesbian Widows

    What is Our Clare up to now ?

    The Bad Lesbian Widows and their Fan Club! Whatever Next ?

  • Buy a juicy Gift Voucher

    Visit our little cute shop for magic to buy or gift others with … poetry, pillows, workshops, retreats and more

  • Podcast Magic

    Listen to Clares funny podcast about her dating experiences in San Francisco and how she fell in love with the city as well as interviews with other creatives.